Rabu, 12 Januari 2011


Simpang KKA
This story took place in North Aceh, where the justice did not care by government and price of army’s bullets were cheaper. It happened at may 3th, 1999 in Cot Murong sub-district Dewantara, North Aceh. It began when the society made a meeting at one night on April 30th1999, in the meeting the was bargaining about planning celebrated Islamic new years or 1 Muharam, at that time they heard that, one of the personnel Den Rudal 001 / Pulo Rungkom was missing and no one knew where he was.

                On Saturday at May 1st1999, a Den Rudal 001/Pulo Rungkom truck moved around the Village without any aim, but nothing was happening at that time, however the society in the village was worry about this condition. In next morning, at 5.a.m the army operated in Cot Murong when the society was preparing to make Islamic new year party and cooked four cow in Mesjid Al-Abro Garden. About 11 a.m. the army came to ask them about their friend who had been missing, however the society did not know where and who is he. Eventhough they hurt about twenty citizen and treated them if they could not find their friend, they would kill all people in the place, in addition the society was afraid with the treat, though they asked a help from their neighborhood village, they were Lancang Barat, Nisam and Paloh Lada. The society and their neighborhood village assembled in a intersection named Simpang KKA, to prevent the soldier came again and hurt the society. At 1 p.m. the army returned again with additional forces. In this district suddenly the chairman came to the occur and asked the army to discuss this case, the value of discussion was the army promised would not come back to the village for any reason. But at 8 p.m. the villagers knew of any infiltiation of the army and made the anxiety population rose up. They assembled in Simpang KKA until tomorrow morning came.
                Next morning, on May 3th1999 at 9 a.m. four army trucks came again entered the Simpang KKA, The people who gather it to feel anxious and began arming themselves with my matches and wooden. Suddenly , the chairman on the sub-district came and discussed with the army to remember their agreement at a matually agreed. This negotiation took a long time, to show sincerity and great application for the forces withdraw immediately to respect the arrangement who was made, the chair of the sub-district was revoking a sigh department in his chest, but the chairman was hit by the army. Suddenly the army’s truck moved, from the truck the soldier threw the stone at the community and so did the society. At almost the sometime also a member of the soldier ran toward the bushes and the society chassed it, suddenly the personnel who ran toward bushes fired a brust from his gun and it let other shot. The killing started at 12 p.m. roar and shout of men who has assembled in Simpang KKA, thousand of people ran around to avoid attacks from army, they not any shot people on the intersection but also shot and killed the society who hid in the house, when the fired, they was shouting. “They would kill people around Aceh”. Many resident who had been shot and could not run anymore still continued to be tortured. The army actually did like a massacre party.
                This incident was forgetten and filed by government but this event will always remember by the society in Aceh especially the society in North Aceh. If we pass simpang KKA, There was a monument who build to remind this incident

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