Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

Ghost story

Demon Took the Form of DadTop of Form
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I'm sixteen now, but this happened about ten years ago in Midland, TX in the year of 1999. I was only six years old.
One night I was in the living room playing with my brother when I remembered I left my backpack in the car. My mom was in the kitchen, by the door that went into the garage. I told her that I was going to the car to get my backpack. I went into the garage shutting the door behind me. That night it was raining hard and there was lots of thunder and lightning so I was already scared to be by myself. I kept my eyes on the car since I was too afraid to look at the garage door because our garage door had windows. I went into the car and grabbed my backpack. As I did I began to get really paranoid and more scared than I was when I first entered the garage. I jumped out of the car and began rushing to the door to get inside. As I was about to grab the doorknob I heard three knocks at the garage window. It scared me so bad I jumped and turned facing the garage window. Standing on the outside looking in was my dad. He was wearing really dark sunglasses which is really weird to be wearing at night but I didn't think about that at the moment. I was relieved to see it was him, but I remained where I was. There was an apathetic look on his face. He didn't smile or speak. Then he began to point. I looked around to see what he was pointing at, but I couldn't figure it out. "What are you pointing at Daddy?" I asked. No response. He pointed again remaining serious. I kept looking around and pointed to the garage button. "The button" I asked. He nodded and motioned for me to push the button. Something inside me told me not to do it.
Dad wasn't acting like he normally does when he sees me after coming home from a long two weeks of work. He always smiles and gives me a big hug and kisses and tells me how much he missed me when he comes home. Also he always calls to let us know when he's on his way home. I shook my head. He motioned for me to push the button again. I shook my head again. He lowered his hand out of sight, and just stared angrily at me. The fear I felt began to intensify even more. When he lifted his hand back up there were big long claws. He scratched the window with them. I wanted to scream but the fear I felt kept me silent and I ran inside slamming the door behind me.
I sat on the couch pale and shaky. I remember sitting there terrified and slowly swaying back and forth. My brother noticed something was wrong. He came up to me and asked "What's wrong Vanessa?" I let out a bloodcurdling scream and my mom dropped was what in hand and came to me. She asked what was wrong. She said that my response was "The devil's scaring me!" but I remember saying "Daddy's scaring me!" I told her what he wanted me to do and what he did when he got mad. She went into the garage to find nothing there. I felt as if she didn't believe me, but she called my dad to tell him what happened. He was in Houston, TX exactly 424 miles east of Midland. She passed the phone to me and Dad told me not to be scared. He said to pray and Jesus would protect me.
The next day my mom went outside to investigate the garage. There on the garage window were three long claw marks. When my dad got home she showed them to him. All that came to his mind was that it was a demon.
But how could something look exactly like my Dad? Also, why was he not speaking and wearing sunglasses? Why would it do that to me? I've been searching for answers for ten years and still haven't found any. If you have any answers I'd love to know.

By unknow Authour

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