Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

ghost story

My Future Children
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This is a story I've debated posting a few times because it is very dear to me and I didn't really want to hear any negative comments about it. But I've decided to post it now...
This happened to me about five or six years ago, in 2004 or 2005 while I was in college. At that time I was dating a guy, let's call him Jack, whom I was planning to marry right after college


Simpang KKA
This story took place in North Aceh, where the justice did not care by government and price of army’s bullets were cheaper. It happened at may 3th, 1999 in Cot Murong sub-district Dewantara, North Aceh. It began when the society made a meeting at one night on April 30th1999, in the meeting the was bargaining about planning celebrated Islamic new years or 1 Muharam, at that time they heard that, one of the personnel Den Rudal 001 / Pulo Rungkom was missing and no one knew where he was.